This edition contains the following articles:
- Sample Food Record Form Now Available
- Updated: Guidelines for Resolving Missing Foods
- Did You Know? There are SAS files available to support analysis of NDSR output file data
- New Training Cancellation Policy
Sample Food Record Form Now Available
As you may know, we have sample 24-hour dietary recall collection procedures on our Dietary Assessment Resources page that you may use as a starting point for your protocol development. We recently added a Sample Food Record Form in response to requests from clients for this type of resource. Both are general guidelines and should be tailored to fit each particular study’s needs. We hope these resources help you as you plan your upcoming studies.

Updated: Guidelines for Resolving Missing Foods
The NCC Food and Nutrient Database is extensive, and our database scientists work steadfastly to add and update foods in our database for each release of NDSR. Nevertheless, due to the dynamic nature of the food marketplace and diversity of eating habits in the US, users may encounter “missing foods”, or foods reported by a study participant that cannot be found in the database. On our website are guidelines for resolving missing foods that may help you determine whether you want to resolve a missing food at your site or submit it to NCC as a New Food Request. Note that we’ve recently updated our suggested nutrient tolerances, including the suggestion that you compare nutrient values per serving instead of per 100 grams of product.

Did You Know? There are SAS files available to support analysis of NDSR output file data?
There are a number of additional files provided with the NDSR program that facilitate creating data files for analysis using SAS or Excel. The Additional Files folder is located in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NCC\NDSR 20YY\Additional Files.
In the ‘SAS Programs’ folder you will find files that help you create SAS data sets for all output files and for all record types. These files include code for assigning formats and labels to the SAS variables, and defining the relationships within a set of Output Files. They can be used as templates and modified according to your specific needs.
For instructions on how to create and view output files, see the section titled “Creating an Output File” in Chapter 8 of the NDSR User Manual.
For more details about the SAS program files and other “NDSR Additional Files” see Appendix 18 of the NDSR User Manual.

New Training Cancellation Policy
A cancellation policy for those registering for our NDSR Training Workshops is now in place. We now require that you cancel or reschedule at least 12 days in advance in order to avoid being charged the full workshop cost. Please email NDSRtraining@umn.edu if you need to reschedule or cancel your registration. Our next training workshops are scheduled for April 7-8 and June 9-10 and are held from 9am to 5pm Central Time. Registration for the April training workshop will close on March 26th, which is also the deadline for cancellation.