New Food Request Processing

Although the NCC Food and Nutrient Database is extensive, due to the dynamic nature of the food marketplace and diversity of eating habits in the US, users may encounter “missing foods” or foods reported by a study participant that cannot be located in the database. NCC provides users with resolutions for entering these foods through a service we call “New Food Request Processing”.
Guidelines are available that may be useful to you in determining whether you may want to resolve a missing food at your site or submit it to NCC as a New Food Request.
Supported clients may submit New Food Requests as part of the NDSR Annual Support Agreement. Non-supported clients may also submit New Food Requests; however, there is a charge for this service.
To submit a New Food Request complete the New Food Request Form.
Resolutions are returned by email as an NDSR backup file within approximately fifteen business days if nutrient and ingredient information is provided. Restore the backup file to NDSR and the New Food resolutions may be inserted into NDSR record.

Special Notes

Nutritional Therapeutic Foods
New food requests are meant for typical foods that are available for purchase in the local market place. Foods that are specially formulated for people with specific nutritional needs or dietary constraints may require more time to resolve, and hence may be charged more than a typical new food request. If you submit a request for a nutritional therapeutic food that is more costly to resolve we will contact you to discuss the added cost prior to resolving.
International New Food Requests

  • New Food Requests for international foods will be charged more than a New Food Request for a typical U.S. food due to the extra resolution time required. The NDSR Annual Support Agreement details the number of new food requests allowed per year of support based on the number of copies of NDSR licensed.  The number of New Food Requests for international foods allowed per year will be determined on a case-by-case basis by determining the level of difficulty of resolving the foods.
  • All information entered in the New Food Request form must be in English.
  • NCC may not be able to resolve some non-U.S. food requests.
  • See Can NDSR be used to assess nutrient intakes of individuals living outside the U.S.? for more information on international-use of NDSR.

Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplement products will not be resolved by NCC. Missing dietary supplements may be resolved at your site by creating DSAM User Products (see Chapter 7 of the NDSR User Manual).