Guidelines for Resolving Missing Foods

The following guidelines may be useful to you in determining whether you want to resolve a missing food at your site or submit it to NCC as a New Food Request. Missing dietary supplements should be resolved at your site by creating DSAM User Products (see Appendix 8 of the NDSR User Manual (pdf)).

  1. Review the Data-entry Rules in Appendix 15 of the NDSR User Manual (pdf)..
  2. Check New Food Backup Files released with the NCC News to see if the food has already been resolved by NCC.
  3. Identify a similar food in the database and record your decision as a data-entry rule..
  4. If the missing food is a brand name product, obtain the nutrients on the Nutrition Facts label from the study participant, grocery store, or manufacturer’s website. Identify a similar food in the database and compare its nutrient values with the product’s nutrient values using the following tolerances to determine if the food is a close enough match.

Nutrient tolerances per serving*

           …. calories +/- 100 kcal             ….
           …. protein +/- 2.00 g            ….
           …. total fat +/- 4.00 g            ….
           …. total carbohydrate +/- 14.00 g            …..
sodium +/- 115.00 mg            …..

*Per serving on product packaging or per reference amount customarily consumed (RACC) for foods without a Nutrition Facts label
If you cannot resolve a missing food at your site submit a New Food Request by completing the New Food Request Form. Resolutions are returned by email as an NDSR backup file within approximately fifteen business days* if nutrient and ingredient information is provided.

If nutrient and/or ingredient information is lacking, a judgement by NCC staff may be made.
If more than 10 New Food Requests are submitted, allow for approximately 30 business days for the resolutions.