This edition contains the following articles:
- NDSR 2020 is available!
- Tutorials for the Menu Planner Feature
- Foods consumed by Black immigrant groups being expanded in NDSR
- November NDSR Training on Zoom
- Deadline for Completing Certification After NDSR Training
NDSR 2020 is available!
We want to make sure that everyone knows that NDSR 2020 is now available! If your annual support is current as of July, the primary account holder at your institution should have received an email with a link to download the newest version of NDSR. If you haven’t already, we highly recommend upgrading to NDSR 2020, as we have made program improvements and added new foods. For tips on upgrading, see our FAQ page and click on ‘Upgrading’. If you did not receive an email with an upgrade link, contact NDSRhelp@umn.edu.
New Tutorials for the Menu Planner Feature
We have posted three short online tutorials on our website to help you learn how to use the new Menu Planner feature available in NDSR 2020.
Introduction to the Menu Planner Feature (4 minutes)
Setting Up the Planner Tab in a Menu Record (5 minutes)
Using Auto Adjust in a Menu Record (5 minutes)
Chapter 6 in the NDSR 2020 User Manual also includes detailed instructions on using the Menu Planner feature.
Foods consumed by Black immigrant groups being expanded in NDSR!
NCC is undertaking a new initiative to add foods consumed by the following immigrant groups to NDSR: Nigerian-American, Jamaican-American, Haitian-American, and Somali-American. We anticipate adding foods over a multi-year period, beginning with NDSR 2021. We would love to hear from you about your needs in this area as well as any resources (e.g. recipes, cookbooks, etc.) that might be helpful to us (email NDSRhelp@umn.edu).
November NDSR Training on Zoom
NCC conducted NDSR Training Workshops by Zoom since June with great success. Feedback received from trainees continues to be positive. Future NDSR Training Workshops by Zoom are scheduled for November 9-10 and January 11-12. Register here by October 29 if you are interested in the November training. If the limited seats in the training are filled, registration will close early.
Certification After NDSR Training
Individuals who attend our two day NDSR Training are eligible to be NDSR Certified (additional fee applies). The certification process consists of completing ten practice recalls and two certification recalls with NCC trainers. We recommend that trainees start their certification process within three to four months of when they attend the training workshop, as those who wait longer have a harder time passing their certification. We now have a policy that individuals must complete their certification within two years of attending training. After that, the certification fee will be charged again if you want to be certified. For those who have paid for certification and attended training more than two years ago, we are granting a one year grace period. If you complete your certification by November 1, 2021, you will not be charged again. Email Julia Lorenzana Peasley at peas0027@umn.edu to initiate your certification process or ask questions.