This edition contains the following articles:
- NDSR 2020 is available!
- New Menu Planner Feature in NDSR 2020
- Dietary Supplement Assessment Module (DSAM) Database Updated in NDSR 2020
- September NDSR Training on Zoom
- New Foods
NDSR 2020 is available!
We want to make sure that everyone knows that NDSR 2020 is now available! If your annual support is current as of August the primary account holder at your institution should have received an email with a link to download the newest version of NDSR. If you haven’t already, we highly recommend upgrading to the NDSR 2020, as we have made program improvements and added new foods. Highlights include a new menu planner feature to streamline planning nutrient controlled menus for feeding studies or planning menus in which there are nutrient targets; the addition of major Omega-6 fatty acids found in food (PUFA 18:2 n-6; PUFA 18:3 n-6; PUFA 20:4 n-6)and total Omega-6; and updates to many food product categories including plant-based meat alternative products. For tips on upgrading, see our FAQ page and click on ‘Upgrading’. If you did not receive an email with an upgrade link, contact NDSRHelp@umn.edu.
If you are not a currently supported and want access to NDSR 2020, email NDSRHelp@umn.edu for pricing and other details on reinstating support.
New Menu Planner Feature in NDSR 2020
We have heard positive buzz about the new Menu Planner feature in NDSR 2020, and some questions as well. One question is whether the feature is included in the program or requires separate licensing. The good news is the menu planner feature is a part of the current NDSR 2020 program (no additional installation or licensing fee required for access). It can be accessed by simply setting up a new project for menu records, with this feature selected as a preference in the project preference tab. You can learn more about the Menu Planner feature by viewing the short (4 minute) ‘Introduction to the Menu Planner Feature’ tutorial available on the NDSR Training Modules page on our website.
We want to thank the NDSR Users who shared their menu planning needs with us. Their insights were useful to us in designing this feature to meet the unique needs of those planning nutrient controlled menus. In the coming years we plan to enhance this feature to maximize its usefulness. Consequently, if you use the Menu Planner feature we encourage you to provide input and share ideas on how it may be improved. Just send us emails (NDSRHelp@umn.edu) and we’ll log all ideas for consideration in future versions of NDSR.

Dietary Supplement Assessment Module (DSAM) Database Updated in NDSR 2020
The Dietary Supplement Assessment Module (DSAM) database in NDSR 2020 has been updated with the NHANES 2015-2016 Dietary Supplement Database and NCC maintained supplements.
The following are key changes to the Supplement Facts Panel label and have been implemented in the NDSR 2020 DSAM database and output files 12-21.
- Vitamin A is now reported in Retinol Activity Equivalents (mcg) instead of International Units (IU).
- Vitamin D is now reported in mcg instead of IU.
- Vitamin E is now reported in Total Alpha-Tocopherol (mg) instead of International Units (IU).
- Folate is now reported in Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE) instead of Total Folate (mcg).
- Niacin is now reported in Niacin Equivalents (mg) instead of Niacin (mg).
- Added Sugars is on the label.
- The Daily Values changed for many nutrients. [FDA daily values]
Data from the NHANES 2015-2016 Dietary Supplement Database does not yet reflect the new labeling rules. This also applies to some of the supplements maintained by NCC because the new label changes were not on some of the manufacturer websites during the time NCC was updating the DSAM database.
For information about combining nutrient intake from food and dietary sources, see the NCC FAQ website.

September NDSR Training on Zoom
NCC conducted the NDSR Training Workshop by Zoom in June due to the pandemic. Feedback received from trainees was very positive. Future NDSR Training Workshops by Zoom are scheduled for September 21-22 and November 9-10. Register here by September 10 if you are interested in the September training.

New Foods
The following new foods are available to you at no additional charge with this edition of the NCC News Bite. A New Foods Backup File is available for download on our website under New Food Backup Files, “Summer 2020”.
- Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Protein Granola
- Birch Benders Keto Pancake & Waffle Mix
- Skinny Pop Popcorn
- Boost Very High Calorie Nutritional Drink
- Oreos – Lemon
- Garden of Eatin’ Grain Free Tortilla Chips
- Dave’s Killer Bread – Good Seed
- Nature Valley XL Protein Chewy Bar – Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate