This edition contains the following articles on:
Release of NDSR
If you are a supported NDSR client you should have received an email from us announcing the release of NDSR 2016, including a link for installing the new program. Remember to install the upgrade so you do not miss out on the major updates and additions to the program that are described below. If your support has lapsed, please contact us at to learn how to renew your support.
View Ingredients
This new View Ingredients feature allows you to quickly view both the ingredients and nutrients in most foods in a record. A report will display, listing the ingredients of a food and up to 5 nutrients for the food and its ingredients.
The View Ingredients feature also allows for editing multi-ingredient foods in a record to remove and/or replace ingredients. As an example, if a participant reports eating a McDonald’s hamburger but didn’t eat the bun, the bun may be removed from the participant’s record.
NCC has created three short online tutorials to help you learn how to use the View Ingredients feature. The first tutorial (NDSR Tutorial 1: View Ingredients Feature – Function and Uses) explains the ways in which the View Ingredients feature may be useful. The second tutorial (NDSR Tutorial 2: View Ingredients Feature – Opening the Report & Selecting Nutrients) shows you how to generate a Food Ingredient Report, and the third (NDSR Tutorial 3 View Ingredients Feature – Editing a Food) explains how to use the feature to remove or replace ingredients in a food. Chapter 4 in the NDSR 2016 User Manual also includes detailed instructions on use of the View Ingredients feature. Please contact if you have any questions.
Food and Nutrient Database Updates and Additions
The major additions and updates made to the database for NDSR 2016:
- Many new foods were added including: ciabatta bread, bruschetta, hard cider, Smucker’s Uncrustables, Cobb salad, Caprese salad, puppy chow, veggie straws, Takis, natural peanut butters, cookie butter (speculoos), tapenade, seven layer taco dip, chocolate covered strawberries, Gelato, grape stuffed leaves, and much more!
- Oxalic acid and inositol values updated to integrate better analytic data.
- Pancake syrups updated with a sugar free option added.
- Jams, jellies and marmalades updated.
- Nutrient updates in USDA Standard Reference (SR) 27 completed.
- Improvements in preparation descriptions options: ‘sautéed,’ ‘rotisserie,’ and ‘slow-cooked.’
- ‘Foil wrapped portion’ added as a food specific unit option for butter.
- Many food and nutrient updates in USDA SR 28 were completed.
- Updates to the food categories of milk, meat, and vegetables from the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (FNDDS) 2011-2012.
- Numerous food categories updated to better reflect the products available in the marketplace. Updates include:
- The following commercial entrée brands: Chef Boyardee, Hormel, Dinty Moore, Hungry-Man, Jenny Craig, Kashi, Kid Cuisine, Michelina’s
- The following fast food restaurants: Arby’s, Boston Market, Burger King, Chipotle, Church’s, Domino’s, Jack-in-The-Box, Little Caesars, Panda Express, Papa John’s, Subway
- Creamers
- Fish Sticks
NDSR Licensing and Annual Support Costs
Some have asked if we could lower our prices in consideration of the lean times researchers are facing. We wish we could. But, we’re not able to lower pricing at this time because we are also affected by NIH funding cuts. Two years ago NIH discontinued its long-term support of NDSR. For many years NIH provided funding to NCC to partially support maintenance and enhancement of NDSR. This funding subsidized the work we do, thus allowing NDSR licensing and annual support fees to be lower than the actual cost of maintaining and supporting NDSR.
In response to the loss of NIH funding for NDSR, our team developed and is implementing a strategic plan that centers on making sure NDSR continues to be the premier research tool you expect without any major increases to licensing and annual support fees. The plan includes a variety of strategies such as streamlining our work and discontinuing activities deemed minimally useful. Staffing reductions have also occurred as a result of the loss in NIH funding.
We hope this information is useful to you in understanding NDSR licensing and annual support costs.
How does NDSR compare to the ASA24?
A number of you have asked how NDSR compares to NIH’s Automated Self-administered 24-hour Dietary Recall System (ASA24). In brief, NDSR is a PC-based dietary analysis program for 24-hour dietary recall collection and analysis of food records, menus, and recipes. Collection of dietary recalls is carried out by an interviewer who is trained in the use of NDSR. The dietary recalls may be collected over the telephone or in-person.
The ASA24 is a web-based dietary analysis program for 24-hour dietary recall and food record collection. It is designed for self-administration, and thus requires the study participant have internet access and some level of literacy and familiarity with computers or mobile devices.
The NDSR and ASA24 differ in a variety of important ways beyond platform and mode of use. To summarize, NDSR has more foods, nutrients, food pattern/group data, and quality assurance capabilities than ASA24. Participant burden, as measured by duration of interview, is also lower with NDSR.
More details regarding the differences and similarities of the NDSR and ASA24 are provided at the following links:
- Comparison of NDSR vs ASA24 for 24-hour Dietary Recall Collection
- Comparison of Nutrients, Nutrient Ratios, and Other Food Components in NDSR and ASA24
- Comparison of Food Patterns/Group Data Available in NDSR and ASA24 Output Files
Did you know that NCC provides a variety of services to support researchers?
NCC has a Research Services Center that provides a variety of nutrient analysis and data collection services to support the needs of researchers. Dozens of prominent studies, dating as far back as 1974, have relied on our services (Study List).
Our services include:
- 24-hour Dietary Recall Collection
- Quality Assurance for Dietary Recalls
- Food Record Analysis
- Coordination for Multi-Center Studies
- Menu Analysis
- Recipe Analysis
Want to learn more or receive a price quote for your study? Contact Kerrin Brelje at 612.626.9452 or
New Foods
The following foods are included in the NCC News Summer 2016 New Foods Backup File, available for download on our website under New Food Backup Files, “Summer 2016.”
Coco Libre Chocolate Protein Coconut Water
- The Best Bar Ever – Chocolate Peanut Butter
- Breyer’s Gelato Chocolate Fudge Truffle
- Bolthouse Farms Tropical Goodness Drink
- MorningStar Farms Sausage, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwich
- Tofurky
- Yasso Greek Yogurt Bar – Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Orgain Nutritional Shake – Creamy Chocolate Fudge
- Ben & Jerry’s Dariy Free Ice Cream – Peanut Butter & Cookies