How does NDSR compare to other dietary analysis software?

NDSR is unique in a number of ways, some of which are highlighted below:

  • Allows for direct data entry of 24-hour dietary recalls using a multiple-pass approach to recall collection. Interview prompts are provided to both expedite and standardize the recall interview.
  • Includes a standard Introduction Script that can be customized for each project.
  • Includes interview prompts in both English and Spanish and over 300 Hispanic foods.
  • Includes a Dietary Supplement Assessment Module so that nutrient intake from both food and supplemental sources may be quantified. The module is supported by a database that includes over 3,700 dietary supplements. A ‘missing product’ feature in the software allows the user to add products to the database.
  • Is supported by a comprehensive, complete, and current food and nutrient database.
  • Provides reports and output files to meet the needs of researchers.
  • Offers a comprehensive two-day dietary interviewer training workshop.