New-Customizable Data Fields in the Header Tab
Some of you asked if we could add fields in the header tab for entering height, weight, and other information about study participants. In response, NDSR 2017 has a new feature that allows you to include up to five customizable data fields (labeled ‘data fields’) in the header tab for records in a project. The number of data fields you wish to include may be selected in the Method Preferences tab. In addition to choosing the number of data fields you would like to include, you have the option to include a description of the information to be collected for each field (e.g. ‘height, in centimeters’, ‘weight, in kilograms’). These descriptions will appear in the header tab next to the data field for the question. Data entered using these customizable data fields are included in NDSR Output Files 04, 05, and 06; the Record Properties Report, and the Records QA Report. See “Chapter 3, Managing NDSR Projects” of the User Manual for instructions on how to set-up these fields.
New-Food Shape Dimension Units
Although NDSR is developed in the United States, where we use inches for our unit of measurement, we have many international clients we need to consider as well. Consequently, with this version of NDSR we have created the option to set your Project Preferences to enter shape dimension units as either inches or centimeters, with inches as the default setting.
Copy and Paste all Dietary Supplements in the Dietary Supplements Tab
We’ve added the ability to copy and paste all supplements in the dietary supplements tab at once. In the Dietary Supplements tab of the record, you can either right click any supplement listed and select “Copy All Supplements” or you can go up to the Toolbar Menu and under Edit, select “Copy All Supplements”. To paste the copied supplements, go to the desired record in the Dietary Supplements tab, either right click and select “Paste Supplements” or use the Toolbar Menu and under Edit, select “Paste Supplements.”
View Ingredients Feature Improved
We’ve streamlined the Paste Ingredients function in the View Ingredients feature that was added last year. Now, when you paste the ingredients for a food you want to modify, you no longer have to click through to confirm each ingredient. They will be automatically pasted into the new Assembled Food, so you can go directly to adjusting the ingredient(s) of interest.
Additional Program Improvements
- The character limit for many of the Notes fields was increased to 600 characters.
- More nutrients (up to 180) may be excluded from the Nutrient Totals and Averaged Nutrient Totals Reports.
- The DSAM database was updated with NHANES 2013-2014 Dietary Supplement Database and NCC maintained supplements.
Food and Nutrient Database Updates and Additions
New Nutrient- Gluten
There has been growing interest in studying gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Consequently, gluten has been added to NDSR 2017. See “Appendix 11, Nutrient Information” of the NDSR 2017 User Manual for details on the procedure used for estimating the gluten content of foods, and an important caveat (foods with “zero” values are not necessarily gluten-free and may not meet the FDA definition of gluten free (<20 parts per million of gluten) because of the process used to determine the nutrient composition for foods in the database).
Additional Database Improvements in NDSR 2017
- Many new gluten free grain products added (e.g. bagels, buns, English muffin, pasta, pizza crust, roll, tortilla).
- Sea salt is now included as a variable ingredient choice when salt in preparation is queried.
- Isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, glycitein, coumestrol, biochanin A, and formononetin) values updated to integrate better analytic data.
- Food and nutrient updates from USDA Standard Reference (SR) 28 completed.
- Updates to the grain food categories from FNDDS 2011-2012 were completed.
- Updates to the food categories of eggs, legumes, and fats from FNDDS 2013-2014 were completed.
- Numerous food categories updated to better reflect the products available in the marketplace. Updates include:
- The following commercial entrée brands: Amy’s, Banquet, Healthy Choice, Marie Callendar’s, Nestle, Veggie (Amy’s, Bocaburger, Gardenburger, MorningStar Farms)
- The following fast food restaurants: Chick-fil-A, Dairy Queen, Hardee’s, KFC, McDonald’s, Sonic, Taco Bell, and Wendy’s
- Lunchmeats & sausages (bologna, canned meats, and hot dogs)
- General Mills ready-to-eat cereals
- Teas