
Comprehensive, complete, and current database
The NCC Food and Nutrient Database serves as the source of food composition information in the program. This database includes about 19,500 foods of which 8,304 are brand name products. Ingredient choices and preparation methods provide more than 160,000 food variants. Values for 178 nutrients, nutrient ratios and other food components are generated from the database. Also, food group assignments (pdf) are provided. The database is updated annually to reflect marketplace changes and new analytic data.


Healthy Eating Index (HEI) 2015 output files and reports
NDSR provides HEI 2015 total and components scores for dietary recalls, food records, and menus entered into the program. Total and component scores along with contributing dietary constituents (e.g. servings of dairy in cup equivalents, servings of whole fruit in cup equivalents, etc.) are provided in output files. HEI Reports are also available for use in providing to study participants/patients (sample report). The HEI Reports may also be useful as a tool in planning menus that align with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Streamlined data entry and food coding
Dietary intake data gathered by interview is entered directly into NDSR. The software searches for foods and brand products by name. Sophisticated search algorithms locate the food and the interview prompts standardize requests for more detail. Dietary intake data gathered by interview is governed by the multiple-pass approach interview methodology. Five distinct passes provide multiple opportunities for the participant to recall food intake.


The coding of foods and their variable ingredients and preparation methods occurs as data are entered. Calculation of nutrients occurs immediately; quantities reported are converted into gram weight and food ID codes are linked with corresponding nutrient values.


Dietary supplement assessment module
Dietary supplement use may be assessed in conjunction with collection of in-person or telephone 24-hour dietary recalls using the Dietary Supplement Assessment Module included in NDSR. Use of all types of dietary supplements and non-prescription antacids are queried in the module. The database linked with the module includes over 3,700 dietary supplement products. A ‘missing product’ feature in the software allows the user to add products to the database.


User Support
A variety of support services are available including software and technical assistance (Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT), a comprehensive user manual, and training and certification.


Proven track record and state of the art
The first version of the software was released over 20 years ago. Since that time the software has been continually improved and updated to take advantage of hardware and software advances. A rigorous development and testing process is followed to ensure that each annual upgrade to the program is robust and reliable.


Widely used
NDSR is licensed by hundreds of institutions (Client List). Nutrition researchers across the United States rely on the program as a research tool in an array of nutrition-related studies (Publications).


Works on Windows operating systems and has modest hardware requirements.