This edition contains the following articles:
What to Look Forward to in NDSR 2020?
NCC staff is working hard every day to update the NDSR program and the food and nutrient database that supports it. Here are some of the major updates you can look forward to in NDSR 2020:
Menu Planner Features
Several new features are being added to the Menu record type in NDSR 2020 to streamline use of NDSR for planning nutrient-controlled menus for feeding studies or planning menus in which there are nutrient targets.
These new features will allow the user to set nutrient targets with tolerance ranges for a menu, and then adjust food items and amounts to meet targets within upper and lower limits via a new interactive Planner tab window.
These new features were developed based on guidance provided by some of you who currently use NDSR to plan feeding study menus. We thank you for your input, and we are confident the new features will be enormously helpful to you and others using NDSR for planning menus.

New Nutrients – Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Numerous studies have examined the role of omega-3 fatty acids in health. However, newer research has examined the effects of their lesser-known cousin, the omega-6 fatty acids, on risk for some diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. To support research on omega-6 fatty acids we are adding the major Omega-6 fatty acids found in food (PUFA 18:2 n-6; PUFA 18:3 n-6; PUFA 20:4 n-6) to NDSR 2020. In addition, total Omega-6 (sum of the individual omega-6 fatty acids) is being added to the database and program.

41st Annual National Nutrient Databank Conference
The 41st Annual National Nutrient Databank Conference, 20-20 Vision for Food
Composition Data: Promoting Public Health Worldwide, will be held at The Hotel
at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland, April 19 to 22, 2020.
Registration is available online.
NCC will have a strong presence at the conference. You may find the following NCC presentations very helpful and informative.
Title: Nonnutritive sweeteners in brand name food products in the U.S. marketplace
Presenter: Lisa Harnack, DrPH, RD, MPH, Director of the Nutrition Coordinating center
Session: Use of Product Label Data to Promote Public Health
Date: Tuesday, April 21
Title: Distribution of Lignans in Different Food Categories
Presenter: Bhaskarani Jasthi, PhD, RD, LD, NCC Food and Nutrient Database Scientist
Session: Focus on Food Constituents
Date: Tuesday, April 21
Drs. Harnack and Jasthi would welcome the opportunity to talk with
you to discuss your NDSR needs and answer questions you may have about the
program. Feel free to stop by their presentations or send an email to harna001@umn.edu if you would like to arrange a time to meet during the conference.
New Foods
The following foods are included with the NCC News Bite for January 2020. A New
Foods Backup File is available for download on
our website under New Food Backup Files, “January 2020”.
- Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake Mix – Vanilla
- Freschetta Gluten Free Pizza – Pepperoni
- Jonny Pops Frozen Fruit Bar – Raspberry Blueberry and Cream
- Whole Foods 365 Cauliflower Pizza Crust
- Protein One Bar – Strawberries & Cream
- Ideal Protein Chocolate Drink
- Built Bar – Salted Caramel
- Dole Chopped Salad Kit – Chipotle & Cheddar