This edition contains the following articles on:
NDSR 2017 Released!
SAS Programs now available for calculating HEI-2015 Scores
View Ingredients
Website Search
Save the Date: Next National Nutrient Databank Conference July 23-25, 2018
Thank you for completing our survey!
New Foods
NDSR 2017 Released!
We officially released NDSR 2017 last month! This year’s version of NDSR has a number of new features added including customizable data fields on the Header tab and the ability to enter food shape dimensions in inches or centimeters. As always, many updates and additions were made to the NDSR food and nutrient database, including the addition of gluten. For a complete list of additions and updates to NDSR 2017, visit our website.
If you are a supported client you should have received an email from us that included installation instructions for NDSR 2017. If you did not get this email, please let us know at
If you are interested in licensing or reinstating support so that you have access to NDSR 2017, please contact us for assistance.
SAS Programs now available for calculating HEI-2015 Scores
The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a tool developed by the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Cancer Institute to evaluate the extent to which diets are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The HEI-2015 is the most recent version of the HEI and aligns with the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
HEI scores may be generated using variables available in NDSR output files, and to facilitate calculating scores we have created SAS programs that allow for calculating HEI-2015 scores in accord with two calculation approaches (per each intake day for each person and per person across all intake days). Programs for each approach, which are available on our website, calculate total HEI-2015 scores and scores for each of the 13 components of the index.
Note that two SAS programs are available for each calculation approach. One program should be used for data collected using NDSR 2013 or any subsequent version of the program. The other set should be used for data collected using NDSR 2012 or an earlier version of the program.
View Ingredients Feature
Just a friendly reminder that our View Ingredients feature unveiled in last year’s version of NDSR allows you to quickly view both the ingredients and nutrients in most foods in a record. A report will display, listing the ingredients in a food and up to 5 nutrients for the food and its ingredients.
The View Ingredients feature also allows you to edit multi-ingredient foods in a record to remove or replace ingredients. As an example, if a participant reports eating a McDonald’s hamburger but didn’t eat the bun, the bun may be removed from the participant’s record.
We have created three short online tutorials to help you learn how to use the View Ingredient feature. The first tutorial (NDSR Tutorial 1: View Ingredients Feature – Function and Uses) explains the ways in which the View Ingredients feature may be useful. The second tutorial (NDSR Tutorial 2: View Ingredients Feature – Opening the Report & Selecting Nutrients) shows you how to generate Food Ingredient Report, and the third (NDSR Tutorial 3 View Ingredients Feature – Editing a Food) explains how to use the feature to remove or replace ingredients in a food. Chapter 4 in the NDSR 2017 User Manual also includes detailed instructions on use of the View Ingredients feature.
Website Search
The NCC website is loaded with content, which can make locating the specific information you are looking for challenging. We would like to highlight that clicking on the the Search icon located in the upper right hand corner is an efficient way to find information on your specific interest in a timely manner.
Save the Date: Next National Nutrient Databank Conference July 23-25, 2018
Mark your calendars for the 40th National Nutrient Databank Conference to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota July 23-25, 2018. Along with learning about latest developments in food and nutrient databases, be prepared to enjoy a heaping helping of Minnesota Nice!
Thank you for completing our survey!
Thank you to all NDSR users who took time to respond to our survey. We appreciate your responses and your input. NCC will use the survey results to guide us in determining ways to improve our program, database and user support services. Once again, thank you for helping us as we strive to improve our services to better meet your needs.
New Foods
The following foods are included in the NCC News August 2017 New Foods Backup File, available for download on our website under New Food Backup Files, “August 2017.”
- Chobani Drink – Mixed Berry
- Starbucks Gluten Free Breakfast Sandwich
- Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Nondairy Protein Shake – Chocolate
- Dannon Oikos Triple Zero Greek Nonfat Yogurt – Vanilla
- Silk Protein Nutmilk – Vanilla
- Special K Crustless Quiche – Sausage, Peppers & Cheese
- Love Grown Blueberry Vanilla Polar Puffs Cereal
- Boost Kids Essentials 1.5 Fiber – Vanilla