Interviewer Staff Qualifications
- NCC hires and certifies high caliber staff to perform dietary recalls
- Current staff have bachelors or masters degrees, are diet technicians, or are currently finishing their bachelor’s degree
- Several current staff are Spanish/English bilingual
- Interviewers complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Human Subjects Research Training
- Many staff have years of NDSR experience
Training of Interview Staff
NDSR Training and Certification
- 2 Day, hands-on NDSR Training
- Developing interviewing techniques
- Using the multiple pass approach
- Navigating the NDSR search features
- Complete 10 practice recalls
- Complete 1 baseline recall and 1 certification recall
- Line by line review of individual recalls with feedback/additional training provided as needed until approved by NCC Quality Assurance Lead
- Ongoing quality assurance reviews with feedback/training as needed
Study Specific Certification Process
- Study-specific training, with length of training based on complexity of study
- Describe new procedures specific to the study
- Review study-specific Data Entry Rules
- Complete study-specific exercise activities
- If study is not typical, conduct practice recalls
- Complete study-specific certification recalls
- Provide interviewer feedback/additional training as needed based on quality assurance reviews