NDSR Upgrade

A new version of NDSR is released annually. What types of changes are made between versions?


Food and Nutrient Database Updates


An updated version of the NCC Food and Nutrient Database is included with each NDSR release. With each new version over 200,000 adjustments and changes are generally made to the database to reflect changes in the marketplace and the availability of new or better analytic data on the nutrient composition of foods. In addition, new nutrients and food components are added to the database on a regular basis to meet the needs of researchers (click here to view listing of nutrients and other food components added since 1998).



Software Updates and Enhancements


With each new version of the software improvements are made to it so that it better meets the needs of those using it.


For example, in 2013 dozens of major and minor changes were made to the dietary recall interview windows to enhance usability including the inclusion of a customizable Introduction Script, improved legibility of interview prompts, and the addition of an optional Forgotten Food Pass.